In many restaurants, the preferred method of cooking takes place on hot plates; however, if they are not correctly cleaned, these plates can also be a source of contamination.
On the surface, food particles, grease, and food that has been burned on can accumulate, creating an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms.
Because of this, it is essential for establishments to have a rigorous cleaning routine in place for their hot plates.
However, the question that needs to be answered is how restaurants clean hot plates. So, in that case, here is an exhaustive guidance.
How Do Restaurants Clean Hot Plates?
It takes a few steps to ensure that the surfaces of hot plates in restaurants are clear of food debris, grease, and any other potential contaminants. There are two primary approaches to scrubbing hot plates: one that is safe for the environment and uses natural ingredients, and another that makes use of chemical cleaning agents.
The first approach is to clean the dirty hot plate by covering it with a generous amount of ice while it is still hot and scrubbing it with a scraper that is specifically intended for use in commercial kitchens.
This method is known as the “ice bath.” This technique employs a sudden change in temperature to loosen the dirt, and it is suggested for use with thicker hot plates that are able to withstand the impact without breaking.
In certain circumstances, pumice stone may also be used to eliminate dirt; however, doing so runs the risk of scratching the surface of the hot plate.
The second method includes applying a chemical cleaner to the cold hot plate, allowing it sit for a few minutes, then pouring water over the surface of the plate and rinsing it off afterward.
After that, the hot platter is wiped down with a sponge and then given an extensive rinsing with fresh water.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Hot Plates:
The process of cleaning hot plates is fairly straightforward and only consists of a few stages. The following is a detailed guidance on how to clean hot plates in the following order:
Cool the hot plates:
Allow the hot plates to cool down completely before beginning the cleaning process. The first stage in cleaning hot plates is to allow them to cool down completely. Cleaning heated plates while they are still hot poses a risk of burns and other injuries because of the high temperatures that can be reached on these plates.
Remove any debris:
After the hot plates have calmed down, remove any debris or food particles that may have accumulated on the surface. If any debris or food particles have accumulated, remove them. Make light work of removing any loose detritus by using a spatula or scraper.
Clean the surface:
Next, using a gentle detergent and a soft towel, wipe down the surface of the hot plate to ensure that it is free of any residue. Scratching and other damage can be caused by using abrasive cleansers or scrubbers, so you should try to avoid using them.
Rinse the surface:
In order to eliminate any trace of soap residue, give the surface of the hot plate a complete rinsing with some warm water.
Sanitize the surface:
As a final step, use a sanitizer that has been granted permission by the regional health department to sanitize the surface of the heated plate. To ensure correct application and dilution, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Dry the surface:
After the surface of the hot plate has been disinfected, use a dry, clean towel to dry it completely in order to prevent water spots from forming.
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- Why are Mexican Restaurant Plates So Hot? Best Practices.
- Should Food Be Served On A Hot plate?
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Then, clean the surface with a mild detergent and soft cloth, rinse thoroughly, and sanitize with an approved sanitizer. Finally, dry the surface thoroughly to prevent water spots.
In conclusion, cleaning hot plates is a straightforward process that entails removing any debris, washing the surface with a gentle detergent, rinsing and disinfecting the surface, and completely drying the surface.
By adhering to these procedures, restaurants can ensure that their hot plates are clean and hygienic, thereby lowering the risk of customers contracting a food-borne disease and preserving their reputation as professional establishments.
If you ever find yourself pondering how restaurants clean hot plates, keep these straightforward instructions in mind to ensure that your own hot plates are always in pristine condition.